Garuda Oleh-Oleh products are available for the following departure/origin cities, such as : Surabaya, Jayapura, Sorong, Timika, Biak, Merauke, Palembang, Yogyakarta
You can purchase Garuda Oleh-Oleh by the latest 24 hours before departure flight at (special for Sorong, you can purchase by the latest 48 hours before departure flight)
Passengers who successfully order Garuda Oleh-Oleh products will receive a confirmation via email. If you do not receive an email confirmation, please contact Garuda Indonesia via Whatsapp Service +628112807807
Currently, we have collaborated with 4 famous merchants that is Sambal Bu Rudy, Pempek Candy, Bakpia Kukus Tugu Jogja, and Abon Gulung Pawai. We will continuously working to expand the availability of Garuda Oleh-Oleh products for more destinations
Merchant will deliver Oleh-Oleh products to the airport (departure gate). You are required to report your order to our check-in counter staff, and the Oleh-Oleh products will be received by you at the conveyor belt of your destination airport.
Purchased Garuda Oleh-Oleh products cannot be exchanged, refunded, and/or rescheduled
No, because Garuda Oleh-Oleh products will be registered as checked baggage and the product will be collected on the conveyor belt at Your arrival gate
If any packaging damage or defects are noticed upon retrieving your items from the conveyor belt at the arrival gate, please notify Garuda Indonesia customer service
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